During the skype discussion Adesola mentioned loads of things that were 'lightbulb' moments for me. For anyone who missed the discussion I will just bullet point these points below-
- Quotes must be on a separate line and have the date not just the author
- Remember the bibliography must be in ALPHABETICAL order
- If the quote is long make sure you add page numbers in
- You must reference even IDEAS of someone else
- Don't use a quote to speak for you - make your point and use the quote to back it up
- REMEMBER - The idea of a quote is so the reader can go and read the literature from where the quote is (LEAVING A BREADCRUMB TRAIL)
- Have a look at https://www.citethemrightonline.com/
- The essay is about MY practice rather than an essay creating universal statements
- The essay should not be a module overview
- Explain your practice at the start of the essay - the reader knows what the module is about but doesn't know what your practice is about
- Work out what theories you have learnt apply to your practice and don't be afraid to miss out the ones that don't apply - remember it is about your practice and ALL the theories that you have learnt will enhance your writing anyway
- The appendix is EXTRA
- Most people wont have time to read the appendix so you cant rely on it
- Make your point WITHOUT appendix and make sure the essay makes sense without it
Hope this makes sense for people. The lightbulb moment for me was knowing I don't have to include all the theories I have learnt. My first draft was far too many words and I was finding it difficult to cut it down but now I know I can find what is really relevant to my practice and make the essay focus more on myself rather than discussing the whole module.