Thursday, 31 January 2019

Module 3... Can you believe it?!

Module Three started this past Monday and I've been starting to work on getting the ball rolling with my inquiry. However, I firstly feel I have a lot of background work to do before I dive straight in to set the foundations. Before anything else I need to get my head back in the game - especially after a lovely long Christmas break!!
I decided to do this by reading all my notes, essays and feedback from Module One and Two and created a map of my learning journey over the past year. My findings were interesting as not only has my BAPP journey crystallised but so has my Professional Practice.
One thing I noted was that in Module One I was auditioning with little luck and doing 'emergency work' alongside so almost felt a little lost within my practice. However moving through Module Two and into Module Three, I am currently teaching full time and have a clear path of where my Practice is moving to as I have been accepted on a PGCE course. This clarity and reflection of my journey felt like a real lightbulb moment for me as it allowed me to realise how much I have learnt about my Practice from this course.
Secondly I discovered that all the theories I learnt in Module One which felt slightly irrelevant to my shop assistant job at the time are now things I use everyday in my practice. Web 2.0 is something I have improved my skills with dramatically and will continue to use through the rest of my career. Even in my interview day for my PGCE I had to demonstrate my competency with technology. Reflection is also now a huge part of not only my learning process but also my well being in life. I find it extremely therapeutic at the end of the day to note down what I've achieved, what I've learned from the day and how I feel about it all. Looking back on my reflective journal, it is a useful tool for my Module Three inquiry process. Finally the networks I discussed in Module One has become a huge part of my life as I am now using the networks I nurtured to carry out my inquiry!
Module Two was a learning curve for me in terms of my learning style. This style of learning is seeming to suit me more and more, as I feel I've grown as a student and learnt to merge my 'university work' with my 'teaching work' to see them as a whole professional practice rather than two separate entities.
In Module Three my path is clearer. It is still long, and I'm sure I will stray off it numerous times to discover new things, however, it feels good to know where I'm aiming to be and how I'm going to get there. I feel curious and ready to research and deepen my knowledge of my inquiry topic - lets go!

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Thoughts and ideas surrounding ways of communicating...

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