Wednesday 14 March 2018

Skype Call 13/03/2018 and my views on Web 2.0

Having recently done my last skype call with Adesola, Helen and some of the other students from different modules, there were a few things said that got my brain ticking over. We spoke about technology again and I opened the conversation by suggesting that I have never really got on well with technology and have struggled to get to grips with reader 1. Ideas were suggested that being a networked professional in this industry meant it was essential to build a professional profile, but people understood that sometimes people found this difficult if they were quite a private person that they were exposing themselves more than they felt comfortable with. It was noted that it was important to find a happy balance and Matthew suggested to 'dance on the line' of this.
The discussion then led on to touch on the ethics of the web. We discussed that what was posted on social media a while ago now may be affecting future employment opportunities. It was said that many employers search names on social media and can form an opinion on someone just from their online profile - even though it may be their personal social media accounts. More and more people in the 'younger generation' (we're talking maybe 10 years younger than I am) seem to be posting everything instantaneously on social media and keeping everyone up to date with their movements. We discussed how things we posted in the past may be having an adverse affect on our professional profiles now and this led on to the thoughts of - is it worth going back and deleting all of that which will mean losing a following that has taken years to build up? It made me wonder whether actually things that were posted a while ago in a professional matter just show a development of the professional and shouldn't be looked on negatively. With the 'younger generation' posting so much about their lives now, I wonder how they will be affected when they are my age? Will employers look back at their history or will it be more accepted then as most of their generation will be the same? Or will our generation who are employing them still not accept it as maybe we are stuck in our ways? Will we move with the times or will it remain unacceptable to post certain things on social media that can be viewed by professionals? I guess it all depends on whether you keep the line distinctive between personal and professional lives by maybe creating a professional page and have a personal account that can be set to private and then there are no lines blurred. But then on your personal account will you have in a biography about where you work? Or will you post a status about receiving a promotion?
All of these are things I think we need to consider when creating a persona of ourselves online! I'm looking forward to thinking about this more and more over the coming months as I continue to develop critical thinking skills.

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura!

    Sorry that I'm commenting on this 'old' post! However, I am on Module 1 at the moment and found this post so interesting as I am in the exact same position as you in terms of my views and participation of Web 2.0.

    I just wanted to say that I found this post helpful as you raised some questions that got me thinking too! So thank you very much!

    I would be interested to know if you have started participating more in Web 2.0 since moving through the Modules?

    Thanks a lot!


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