Thursday 22 February 2018

My first discussion group


Earlier this week I participated in my first discussion group via skype with students from various modules and our advisors so after a busy few days I'm finally sitting down to write up my thoughts.

We started off talking about a topic module 3 students were interested in - Literature. I know this was mainly focused on what literature module 3 students could use but I also found it interesting listening in and will definitely refer back to the notes I made when I find myself facing the same problems in module 3. I wrote down most of the points people made but one that I found I could really relate to was worrying about how to 'academically do stuff'. Since starting this course I have found myself worrying about this exact thing - is what I'm thinking about what I'm reading academically correct? However, Helen said not to worry as by making choices about how you feel about what you've read you are already critically thinking about the literature you have read. Another point that was raised was to work out what was relevant to "my" enquiry. This may be snippets from various different books as if there is already a book with your enquiry written on the spine it may not be the best choice!! For example if you read something you don't agree with it is still as important as something you do agree with because it gives a counter argument. Look for literature that people have written around the topic and find information that is relevant to what you are researching. Using biographies as well as other books by researchers is useful to you have a balance of opinions - not either I agree or I disagree more that there is a body of voices. From this body of voices you can then form your own opinions as the host of the enquiry. I hope this is helpful for any module 3 students that are reading this and also any other modules as I felt I learnt from it and can adapt some of these skills to help me with module 1.

We then moved on to talk about a topic I had raised  - Web 2.0 and how it relates directly to my professional practice. I was nervous to talk about this as I had been brave by raising it as I didn't really understand it so felt I would have nothing useful to add to the conversation. However I started and explained how I understand the differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 and how we are using it right now via skype and blogs etc but didn't understand how it related to my professional practice in the sense of auditioning for jobs as a dancer and working as a dancer. Some of the other girls in module 1.0 helped my out straight away by giving great suggestions like uploading your showreel to youtube is a prime example and also by using social media to share job opportunities and to learn about more opportunities. However, then Helen made me think by asking the question of more 'What is the notion of Web 2.0 and how does it help?' With web 2.0 you are given information which you can then influence, which then affects how you research and how you write. You end up with a pool of information and different opinions. I was advised to look at web 2.0 conceptually - as a mode of interaction. I am now in a community of learning all done via web 2.0 as it is an over arching theme of the programme and allows you as an individual to develop a voice. I have learnt even from writing this first blog -
1. Not to waffle on (400 words approx)
2. You learn as you go
3. What do I want to offer out as a conversation as this is an interactive system not just me being the creator and you being the reader.

I hope this clears up anything that people missed out on - I hope it does as I certainly felt I learnt a lot from this session and I feel I'm finally starting to get to grips with Web 2.0.

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment!
Laura :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,
    I think you have summarised the Skype session really well. I was also in the discussion group (although my microphone wasn't working), and this reminded me how important web 2.0 is, and how we use it in our day to day lives. I agree with you as I also felt I had nothing useful to bring to the discussion, as it was my first Skype too, however I think throughout the course we will become more confident and understand our modules more clearly, and gradually be able to bring more to the discussion groups :)


Thoughts and ideas surrounding ways of communicating...

I just had a Skype with Maria, Nicole, Shanice and Rachel focusing on communication in Module 3. I realise I haven't posted a blog in a ...